Friday 8 December 2017

Diploma Season

Assalamualikum and Hello,

How are you viewers? Hope semua sihat la hendaknya.

Sorry for not updating any post in this blog. Busy with my final year project. Alhamdulillah I just finished my presentation. Thanks Allah for give me such a great teammates. Without them I'm nothing actually. Thanks a lot to our beloved Supervisor Dr. Redzuan and our Co-Supervisor Madam Fatin for guiding us to be what we are now.

My fyp group. Thanks guys for this memories. Both of them like to call me "high maintenance" because of what i don't know. Hahahahaha

 My course-mate. 

 We prove that we can do it although a lot of suara sumbang kept talking about our fyp.

This gold medal belong to those who always support us from the beginning until what we get now.


Done with FYP. 

I just want to make some throwback since I'm in semester one until semester five. Let's scroll down la. so, let's enjoy it.

Semester One

me during semester one

Semester 2

Semester 3

Semester 4

Semester 5

Thank you so much for unforgettable memories. See you when I see you. Goodluck for final exam. Next year will have our intra. So, take care of yourself guys. Will miss all of you. 

p/s: jangan lupa aku nah. lepas habis intra nanti jumpa balik.muahh 

Friday 11 August 2017

Penjagaan Muka

Assalamualaikum and hello viewers,

"To love yourself is to understand you don't need to be perfect to be good"

Starting my entry with quotes above.
What i totally understand about the quotes is we don't need to compare our own self with others but try to understand what we are really need to know. Stop about that!!!!!

Back to my topic "penjagaan muka". Actually i don't really sure for update about this topic but i try my best. Different person have their own way untuk cuci muka kan. Same with me..
For person yang totally busy training kadang tu tak sempat pon nak cuci muka. Macam aku since aku dari primary school lagi dah start bersukan. Dah lahir dalam keluarga yang memang kaki sukan so kalau sorang dah tak bersuka it seen like "pelik" .. hahahahahahaha

Time sekolah menegah dulu mana nak jaga sangat muka ni. Pagi petang training muka jangan cakap la dah tak  macam orang oiiii. Hitam ja sapa yang nak tu buta la jawabnya. Dulu jerawat tu macam kawan baik ah bohong la kalau tak dak. Tiap-tiap hari dia ada nak teman aku bersukan sekali. Muka berminyak la macam-macam lagi. Tapi dulu selalu pakai bedak sejuk ja. Cuci muka pon sambil lewa ja. So, bila dah ada kesedaran ni nak lak kongsi sikit tips yang aku apply untuk diri aku sendiri. Satgi ada la tu mulut-mulut jahat mengata macam la aku tak tau.

teruk kan muka aku jerawat memang banyak la..pastu pulak aku ni jenis pantang nampak gatai ja tangan tu dk pi kacau..pastu dengan tak alas la habuan dapatnya..

So, meh aku nak cerita produk yang aku guna..

ni garnier ni cleanser water untuk remove make-up...aku selalu guna 3 kali sehari.. first, aku guna bila lepas bangun dari tidur, lepas tu waktu tengah hari sebab selalunya lepas habis kelas dalam pukol 1 aku akan cuci dulu bedak-bedak yang aku pakai...tak kisah la bedak apa selagi di apply kat muka bersihkan la..pastu sebelom tido aku akan guna dia... guna tisu muka tau untuk bersihkan

 lepas dah guna make up removal tu aku akan cuci muka guna cetaphil...dekat setahun jugak la aku guna benda ni..dia tak berbuih so sesuai la untuk kulit yang sensitif.. benda boleh ja cari kat farmasi like watson,guardian tak pon AEON Wellness..selalunya bila pi memang selalu out of stock la..aku pakai clenaser ni tahan la dalam dua bulan lebih.

 lepas dah guna cetaphil tu aku akan cuci lagi sekali guna Clinelle cleanser.. Cleanser ni pon tak ada buih sangat..sedang-sedang tapi memang sesuai dengan kulit aku baru pakai dalam tiga ke empat bulan macam tu la.. benda ni ada satu set dari cleanser sampai serum tapi aku pakai cleanser ja.. harga dia dalam RM 30.+++

hahahah,banyak pulak kan nak cuci muka pun..hahaha,ni last cuci muka..aku guna nano white..yang ni dia berbuih tau..rasa soft2 ja lekat kat muka..acewah,hahahaha..harga dia dalam RM 19 ceggitu la... yang ni aku pakai dah setahun lebih dah..hehehehe

ni namanya scrub..ltapi scrub ni aku apply seminggu dua kali ja...tapi lepas berscrub memang smooth ja kulit oiii..make sure time guna scrub jangan duk pi tenyeh dia kuat-kuat pulak..buat slow-slow ja.. yang ni harga dia dalam RM 19.90


ok settle untuk cuci muka ja..meh nak cerita seterusnya..yang ni selalunya aku apply time tido ja..siang tak sempat sebab kelas pack kan.. malam jala nak rileks kan diri kan..

first sekali aku akan apply toner.. funtion toner ni seba nak buang lagi kesan2 yang melekat lepas cuci Body Shop punya brand..yang lain pon ok ja..try guna Aiken punya pon ok... tapi bila nak beli asyik out of stock ja Aiken punya..sedih pulak aye rasa..

pastu aku applu moisturizer..make sure toner tu kering dulu baru apply dia...yang ni berapa tah harga lupa la pulak..hang pa pi la survey senduiri..


tu jala yang aku guna..serum aku guna jugak tapi dah habis..pastu bekas pon dah buang.. hehehehe..tak dan nak order lagi busy study...busy la sangat kan.. tapi kan yang jenis kult sensitif ni better pi check dulu la takut ada yang tak sesuai dengan kulit kan.. parut tu still ada.. selalunya benda ni makan masa lama sikit.. dalam bebrapa bulan baru nampak hasil dia.. kat bawah tu ada la gambaq after beberapa bulan aku guna benda alah ni..parut still ada and jerawat tu ada ja tapi tak selalu sangat la..tapi kan rajin la basuh muka bukan apa nak buang kan habuk2 hat melekat kat muka tu..


camera pon main pernan jugak tapi don't worry la still ja ada jerawat kecik-kecik ni and parut tu..

p/s:- untuk pengetahuan hang pa aku cuci muka sehari dua kali ja.. pagi lepas bangun subuh dengan malam sebelum tidor.. tapi yang terpulang kat hangpa la nak cuci ku tak leh nak kata apa...goodluck hangpa more muka aku tak pernah putih sebab burn selalu sibuk duk berjemur main sukan kan..tak putih tak pa janji sihat....hahahahaha

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Semester 5

assalamualaikum and have a good day viewers sekalian.

Already two years I studies in MIMET..
A lot of things I face here... Ya being a fake for this two years really make be matured to face others but at the same time some mental break down also happen..
Hahahahahaha, it's normal la when you already put yourself as a University Student
Whatever things happen you need to face it.
Although something had happen you should know how to recover back yourself, don't try to blame others but try to remind yourself that everything happen for a reason...
Something happen because it wanna you to know that are you already tough to involves yourself here..
You know what, Allah are always besides you when you really need Him...sometimes to much put a truth on human also can make you feel down because not all person could understand us..
He always looking for you but you forget Him..
He is the one who always with us even though we always forget Him and always put on blame without thinks of our mistakes first.
I'm not good in advising other but remember whatever people say take is as a lesson not try to blame others about it..
Sometimes you know what kept silence is the best way and listen to others can make you be more better than other.
Like what they said "Diam-diam ubi berisi"
Hold that quotes..hehehehehe

Done bebel, this semester busy with my FYP...
FYP in progress, 10 hours having a class onlky for you can imaging that..
totally we are going to do a project but at the last minute our supervisor decide us to do a research..
Having three members in the group doing research .hahahaha..can you imaging what going to be happen next..can't imaging right.. 3 genius having one research many idea will be found and many "cakar-cakar" will happen..
Let forget about FYP..
After three years finally i will settle down my Diploma.. People said Diploma is such an easy level but three years study make me be more crazy..hahaha.. A lot of things it like cepat ja masa berlalu... to people yang cakap Diploma is easy i don't want to take part about it.. but in only 14 weeks you need to attend the class, assignment, report, test, quiz and others.. one semester about 7 or 8 subject..mana yang rileksanya...hahaha,i don't really know what they always talk rubbish about Diploma..
Actually, challenge happen not when your taking a long as you are a student challenge are happen on your life..
So, take a depth breath and relax.

So, let's we thinks about our future before being stressed about Diploma or what!!!
You are the one who will take an action about your own future... Work hard and the stay calm..hehehehehe...

p/s:- wish me all the best for my FYP...lots of love

Saturday 29 July 2017

bola tampar 2017

lama ka tak update ada yang rind aku tak... Actually no in mood to update blog. So, today i wanna share about UniKL Sport Carnival...Like always la nak main apa lagi for sure bola tampar and Alhamdulillah tahun no serious injury happen. syukur sangat2.. dah tak mau tulis banyak payung gambar jala..

sedih sikit la sebab sampai quarter final ja tahun ni...hurmmm,tahun depan kalau uni bagi join in shaa Allah aku main..sebab dah nak masuk tahun last kan..wish me luck beb..